Thursday, March 20th – 9:00 AM to 9:00 PM
Friday, March 21st – 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
Saturday, March 22nd – 9:00 AM to 1:00 PM

PCTV serves non-profit organizations based in and serving the City of Pittsfield. Part of our mission is helping local non-profit organizations connect with the public through television, radio, and other technologies. We’ve identified your organization as one that would benefit from this free program.

A Public Service Announcement is a great way to share important information about your organization: describe your mission, shine a light on the essential programs you operate, thank your volunteers and constituents, and raise your profile in the community. The great work your organization accomplishes every day deserves to be recognized!

Once you have completed your video, you can feature it on your website; upload it to your YouTube channel; send the link to your members and supporters; use it at your public functions and meetings; or wherever you would like.  It’s yours!  In addition, PCTV will feature your video PSA on our cable television channels, between longer-form video programming, and will feature your radio PSA on our community radio station WTBR-FM.

Wondering what your PSA could look and sound like?  We’ve produced a few samples that you can see at to spark your inspiration.  Regardless of what you chose to produce, your organization will receive:

  • Up to one hour of studio production time, and a production crew provided by PCTV and/or WTBR-FM;

  • The ability to produce a short video, up to two minutes in length, or a short audio recording, up to 25 seconds in length;

  • Access to the related production facilities for your PSA, including our radio recording studio, television studio, green screen, teleprompter and more;

  • An editor who can add special effects such as music, graphics similar improvements;

  • A completed digital file when all is done, to do with what you wish!

In order to create a PSA, whether video or audio, you’ll need to have a few elements in place ahead of time – elements we’ll help you prepare:

  • A representative of your organization to serve as the on-camera or on microphone talent;.

  • A script your talent will read during the production;

  • Any additional elements, such as logos, music and more;

  • A USB drive with a minimum of 8 GB of space for your final product.

We’ve reserved our facility to accommodate everyone’s busy schedules.  Slots are limited, and they will fill up fast, so reserve your hour soon!

To sign up click this link ( ).  If you have any questions, please call Bob Heck at  (413) 445-4234, Ext. 0113, or Email for more information and to sign up for your hour slot.

Don’t delay – call or email us today, so we can work together on this exciting production!




Are you already signed up for PSA Days, and looking for the PSA Days 2025 Guidebook?  CLICK HERE to download it now!

Looking for inspiration?  Check out the following examples of past PSAs which demonstrate a more traditional public service announcement…