Get Training
One of the most common misconceptions about Pittsfield Community Television is that it operates like a commercial television station, sending out paid staff to record television programming. A more accurate understanding of our organization is as a media school, teaching volunteers and community members how to use equipment in the field!
PCTV provides two distinct types of training – on-demand one-on-one training for specific member needs, and our seasonal Production Training Series, which teaches production skills in a classroom environment.
As a free demonstration of our training offerings, please enjoy the following Production Foundations courses:
This video intends to provide a foundation for what makes a camera work, what the camera’s advanced settings are, and how to expand on the practical knowledge received from the usual member training.
Hosted by Matthew Tucker, Engagement & Experience Coordinator
Studio Production provided by The Miss Hall’s Schools Horizons Program 2023 Students
Post-Production by Nick Di Pietro
This video intends to provide a foundation for what makes microphones and other sound equipment work, how to control the settings of audio equipment, and how to expand on the practical knowledge received from the usual member training.
Hosted by Matthew Tucker, Engagement & Experience Coordinator
Studio Production provided by The Miss Hall’s Schools Horizons Program 2023 Students
Post-Production by Nick Di Pietro
Interested in more training opportunities? Contact us via our website, via phone or via email, and we will gladly schedule training time that meets your production needs!