Pittsfield Community Television has partnered with Berkshire Health System’s Operation Better
Start and the BHS Berkshire North WIC program to produce a community service television
episode of Healthy Eating Matters.
Healthy Eating Matters harnesses the services of Berkshire Health System’s Operation Better
Start, a pediatric and family nutrition program, with Berkshire North WIC, and Pittsfield
Community Television to meet the needs of mothers and infants. Funded by a grant from
Health New England, the Healthy Eating Matters show presents two segments designed to
assist WIC families as they shop and prepare meals with WIC-eligible foods.
In the shopping segment, the WIC community coordinator accompanies a current WIC client
through the supermarket highlighting healthy foods and how to shop using the Massachusetts
WIC app on a smartphone. In the cooking session, a registered dietitian from Operation Better
Start hosts the WIC staff and client as they prepare several quick and healthy breakfast foods
using WIC-eligible foods.
PCTV is proud to have provided their kitchen studio, professional television equipment and
expert staff members for pre-production, recording and post-production. The Healthy Eating
Matters shows will be broadcast on PCTV and available on demand. Healthy Eating Matters will
be posted on the Berkshire Health System’s Operation Better Start and WIC websites.